Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Effective Communication in Organisation

Effective Communication in Organisation

Q Explain the importance of effective communication in organizations. Reflect on a face-to-face conversation that you have had with a co-worker. Do you feel your co-worker exhibited active listening skills? Why or why not? What strategies can managers use in fostering constructive conflict and minimizing relationship conflict? Compose a minimum 1-2 paragraph response for each of the discussion questions stated above. NOTE: You are to write one to two 100 word paragraphs for Discussion Question "A," one to two 100 word paragraphs for Discussion Question "B," and one to two 100 word paragraphs for Discussion Questions "C

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a. a. The importance of effective communication in organizations is immense and it is needed for the ultimate development of the organization. An effective communication helps the managers to perform the basic functions of the management, such as, panning, motivating, organizing, and controlling. From the research, it has been observed that a good morale can be enhanced among employees for a good communication.